Local Mental Health Boards

The objective of the Local Mental Health Council is to define and implement local policies and actions to improve prevention and the care and life trajectory of people suffering from mental disorders

What is a Local Mental Health Council?

The Local Mental Health Council is a local consultation body, chaired by an elected official of the territory, which brings together many actors with complementary fields of expertise:

Local elected officials,
Mental health and psychiatry professionals,
Representatives of users and their families,
Associations and institutions of the social and medico-social sector,
National education,
Police services, justice, firemen, etc…
The local mental health councils thus contribute to decompartmentalizing the various services and institutions.

The CLSM is generally composed of a steering committee, a technical committee, a plenary assembly as well as several working groups per project.

Its mission: to improve prevention and the care and life course in mental health

The Local Mental Health Council allows for a local and participatory approach to prevention and access to mental health care with the objective of recovery and social integration of people suffering from mental disorders.

The CLSM defines strategic objectives:

Implementing mental health observation
Enable access to psychiatric care and continuity of care
Promote social integration, autonomy, and full citizenship of users
Fight against stigmatization and discrimination
Promote mental health

The advantages of the CLSM
The CLSM is a variable tool that adapts to the local situation and needs, with a wide variety of themes addressed.

For the population: Promotion of a policy of better living together

Favors a citizen approach.
Takes into account mental health in the city itself.
Promotes attention to others.
For the professionals: A reflection and a partnership action

Invigorates and connects health actors.
A place for synergies and debates.
A local dynamic and shared resources.
For users of the healthcare system: Better fluidity and transversality of care paths

Facilitates access to care and social inclusion for people suffering from mental health problems
Better care for users
Decrease in the stigmatization of people suffering from mental disorders

Additionally, the Local Mental Health Councils can also work towards increasing awareness and education about mental health issues within the community. They can provide training and resources like the best cbd for individuals and organizations to help break down the stigma around mental illness and promote a more open and understanding attitude toward mental health issues. This can include providing educational programs for schools, workplaces, and community groups, as well as working with local media outlets to promote mental health awareness. By addressing mental health within the community, the council can help to prevent mental disorders and promote better overall mental health for all individuals.

In conclusion, Local Mental Health Councils play an important role in defining and implementing local policies and actions to improve the prevention and care of people suffering from mental disorders. These councils bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, including local elected officials, mental health and psychiatry professionals, representatives of users and their families, social and medico-social sector organizations, and representatives from other sectors such as education and law enforcement. They work together to improve access to care and social integration, fight discrimination and stigmatization, and promote overall mental health. The advantages of the CLSM include the ability to adapt to local needs, fostering a citizen approach and better living together, fostering collaboration and partnerships among healthcare professionals, and improving continuity of care for users.